RAP (Registered Aboriginal Party)
Local Aboriginal organisations can apply to the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council to become registered Aboriginal parties which confers on them the right to become involved in decision-making on issues of Aboriginal cultural heritage at their local level.Aboriginal Cultural Heritage is important to all Victorians.
Throughout Victoria, even in the most intensively developed regions, the landscape holds the imprint of thousands of generations of Aboriginal people. Each part of Victoria, from the coast to the high country and from the semi arid Mallee to the rain forests of the east, has places where Aboriginal people lived; obtaining sustenance, expressing themselves artistically, passing on creation stories and cultural values, engaging in conflict, establishing alliances and social networks, trading goods, celebrating rites of passage and committing the departed to their final resting places.
Agreements with Traditional Owners
The State currently has agreements with four Traditional Owner groups. Details on the Yorta Yorta Cooperative Management Agreement can be viewed here on the Victorian Government website.
The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic) (the Act) recognises Aboriginal people as the primary guardians, keepers and knowledge holders of Aboriginal cultural heritage. At a local level, Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) are the voice of Aboriginal people in the management and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Registered Aboriginal parties (RAPs) will have important roles and functions in managing and protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria. RAPs are determined by the Aboriginal Heritage Council (the Council).
Responsibilities Include:
The power to endorse or refuse Cultural Heritage Permit.
The power to endorse or refuse Cultural Heritage Management Plans.
Advise on Repatriation. Be party to a Cultural Heritage Agreement.
To work in good faith.
Cultural Heritage Schedule of Rates
If you would like to view Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation’s Schedule of Rates, please download the Schedule of Rates below.